2020 - A Crazy Year!

Everyone’s saying it so we thought it was about time we did as well, its been the craziest year, with one winter season ending early and the upcoming 2020/21 dominated by uncertainty. However, as it turns out Fresh Tracks actually had a good year…say what!!


So ok perhaps our 2019/20 seasons didn’t finish quite as anticipated…shredding spring pow, drinking Aperol spritz in the sunshine and having BBQ’s whilst deep cleaning our chalets, but we had a good time up to then, and the parties in resorts when lockdown was announced will be remembered for a long time to come. For us personally the end of the season coincided with us catching the virus, but  having made it back to the UK to isolate, a loss of taste and smell at least wasn’t going to ruin any guests experience of our cooking.


Unfortunately, however Rona did put a swift end to our plans to run the spring residential courses in 2020. “Pivoting” was the buzz word being used by small businesses trying to adapt to the new normal and so that’s what we did.  After a lockdown spent transforming what we teach on the residential to an online package, and along with the rest of the nation in acquiring a zoom account, we were really pleased to run 2 weeks’ worth of courses to 27 students. The virtual courses delivered lessons which content continued to focus on how to be a fantastic chalet host and make the most of a winter season and accompanying this, students were given a 7 day self-paced cooking guide in which to practice chalet style cooking at home. The results and feedback were epic with students starting to get job offers and looking forward to the winter ahead.

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Fresh Tracks then turned its focus to the autumn residential courses, could they run or not? Despite nerves of meeting regulations and legal requirements, 5 weeks of residential courses went ahead successfully. A total of 39 students came from far and wide with positive energy and enthusiasm and just pleased to be doing something at least.  New skills were learnt, challenges faced, problems solved, and new friendships made, all with tons of laughter and a healthy dose of banter along the way. The last course finished just in time for Boris to announce the start of the next lockdown.

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However, the question all of the students were asking was, will there be a winter season at all and if so what will it be like?  Well I know we’re good here at Fresh Tracks, but the honest answer is we don’t know. It will be different for sure. What we do know is that all of the students had a positive approach to the future and where not discouraged by the challenges this winter faces and continue to be inspired to find work in the mountains. Each participant recognised the invaluable skills that working as a chalet host provides and are determined that at some point to go on to achieve this dream. 

Corona aside, the ski and hospitality industries face other challenges at this time, with Brexit looming and changes in EU employment regulations, it seems they have a lot on their plate. However, if the industry can just look at these students and see the talent and passion out there, then they can use this to fuel their drive to make winter seasons succeed once again.  Winter 2020/21 will be different and for us all, but if 2020 has taught Fresh Tracks anything it is that sometimes you have to get creative and solve problems as you go, just like being a good chalet host I guess!!